Right after we got the Transmission in the Trailblazer fixed we were T-boned.
Fortunately the other driver was held liable so the repairs were free!
I drop off my Trailblazer at Abra Autobody and Glass (fabulous place and great service BTW) then walk next door to Enterprise for my free rental.
I'm happy at this point and grateful my car is getting fixed.
I sign my life away and take the keys for the rental walk outside and see this:
I say: "Are you kidding me!? I drive a Trailblazer, I have 2 booster seats and a carseat I have to fit in there! No way!"
In case you forgot what a Trailblazer looks like
The Enterprise man says: "Well, there's 3 buckles in the back so they should fit. Besides this is the only size car the insurance pays for."
I actually heard crickets at this point . . .
Grabbed the keys and headed home.
Guess what?!?! This car does NOT fit 2 booster seats and a car seat in the back!
The good thing today: After 8 days of driving the clown car I got to turn it in and drive my Trailblazer home! With ALL my kids in the back seat thank you very much!
That's why we bought our Honda Odyssey. When the twins were born we tried to drive our Volvo wagon with 3 seats across the back but it was NOT a happy way to go. 3 months later we bought the van.