
Thursday, November 4, 2010

While making my way through Washington I visited Cat Tales outside of Spokane. It's a refuge for big cats and believe me there are a LOT of BIG CATS!

This is Zamba the Lion, in case you can't tell . . . he's huge!

What I love best about this guy is: he was a MGM lion (the one who roars at the beginning) then one day he decided he was all grown up and wouldn't roar on command anymore = retired!

For a measly $10 I got to feed Zamba a bag of meat, he was really excited and so was I!
See how big he is!?

Next time you pass Spokane stop by and feed the kitty!

The good thing today: Plexi Glass. So when Zamba gets made he won't pee all over me ;)


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